I went on a frenzy shopping online for my birthday last year. The items finally arrived two weeks ago but I didn't get around to taking photos and posting them up until now. I won't go through all of them because you can already see them in the photo. The box between the false lashes and brushes is a lip liner from Benefit. The big black box contains a Good Karma crease brush from Urban Decay. All Benefit items were bought from their website and all Urban Decay items were purchased from BeautyBay.com
I was really excited about the UD lipstick. I loved how pretty and purple it looked, especially in it's box! I bought the colour "Naked" because, apparently, it's one of the best nude colours around.
Now it saddens me to report this but uncapping the lipstick the first time was agony! I spent half an hour trying to open it. The little dagger thing doesn't give you a lot of room or grip. It was capped on so tight that my fingers turned red from pulling at the dagger. I even tried running some warm water over the cap to get it to expand. I had to Google it to see if anyone could shed some light on how I can pry the thing open! I was really really frustrated. I twisted and pulled at the thing for a long time. Finally, after LOTS and LOTS of twisting and turning, I pulled and it gave. I managed to open it! Hoorah! But wait, as though I wasn't already put off by the whole experience, the lipstick itself was very short, compared to MAC and Rimmel. They did not give me a lot of product!
It was such an anticlimatic and exhuasting experience that I put the lipstick away afterwards, without swatching it or trying it on. I've been really busy so I still haven't had the time to try any of the products that I bought. I'm not joking. That's why there are no reviews for this post. I'll definitely be reviewing this lipstick (in terms of its quality) when I have the time.
Haha.. I guess it's a pretty packaging but not very practical